Raya 2009- berselendang hitam (Way before using PB)
I'm on the left (This is on 2/7/2011 while using PB)
Me on pagi raya 30/08/2011
Even though only small changes..but i'll keep on using PB with discipline(dlm bulan puasa ada jugak miss pakai2..hahah),sbb pakai korset ni mmg kena disiplin sket..kn minum air byk2..mmg ssh nk lose weight..especially cm sy ni..nk turun mmg ssh, nk naik..skjp je..mkn je kfc one wk in a row..skjp je melonjak naik angka2 tuh..huh.
nxt wk da start cls..myb sy akn kurg update..tp sy still akan pakai pb..n ths time, sy nk jogging..:), hik azam br utk sem baru..sbb sy ade target berat sy..pakai pb mmg boley tlg shape up ur body..sesiapa yg berminat..boley call/sms/ or email sy dkt contact no yg kt sbelah tu..mmg kn berkorban sket utk cntik..n for those who were born beautiful..haih..bersyukur lah..n utk yg mcm sy..hafta work towards that..n everybody can be beautiful..either from the outside or the inside..n if you have both..:), please thank Allah for that..till then..be beautiful on both sides, assalamualaikum! :)